The Let It Begin Tour, featuring Big Daddy Weave, Ben Fuller, and Megan Woods, is coming to Wilkesboro! Get ready for an unforgettable evening filled with your favorite songs and the latest hits from all three artists. It’s going to be an uplifting evening of praise and worship.

The Walker Center
292 First Citizens Bank Ln
Wilkesboro, NC 28697
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General Admission – $25. Doors open at 6pm. SOLD OUT
Early Admission – $35. Get in 15 minutes earlier at 5:45pm to find a seat you like before the rush! SOLD OUT
VIP – $75. Includes early entry at 5pm, access to the VIP seating area, and a Q&A with the artists. SOLD OUT
Note: No outside food or beverages are allowed, however, concessions will be sold.
The views presented are not necessarily those of Wilkes Community College/ The Walker Center or endorsed by the college.
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