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We are SO excited to be adding a brand new Pastors’ Experience Tent to FaithFest, a place where people in vocational ministry can be ministered to, connect with each other, and learn from ministry experts, all on a mission to further the Kingdom of God!

Because of the limited number of spots in the pastors’ tent, we ask all pastors to fill out the form below so we can determine eligibility and pray through who God would have as part of this year’s cohort.

If you’re a pastor, you can submit your application by filling out the form below. Pastors who are selected for this year’s Pastors’ experience will be notified via email. 

Hurry and get your application in today as we only have 200 spots available. 

We want to bless those who have dedicated so much of their lives to blessing others!

Selected pastors will receive:
– A free 2-day pass to FaithFest 2024
– Special tent with free refreshments
– Artist Q&As and Testimonies


A pastor for our purposes is defined as follows: Pastors who actively serve their congregations in leadership and specialized roles, including Senior Pastors, Associate Pastors, Youth Pastors, Children’s Pastors, Worship Pastors, Teaching Pastors, Executive Pastors, Family Pastors, Discipleship Pastors, Community Pastors, Pastoral Counselors, Mission Pastors, Campus Pastors, and Recovery Pastors. These individuals are dedicated to preaching, teaching, administration, worship, family support, community engagement, counseling, missions, and recovery ministries within their church communities.

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