FaithFest 2022 Partner Survey "*" indicates required fields Thank you for partnering with us for FaithFest 2022! We would love to hear your thoughts on the event and partners area. Your feedback will help us continue improving.1. Overall, how would you rate FaithFest 2022?* Amazing! Good Ok Meh Terrible 2. Have you been to FaithFest before? This was my first time! 🎉 This was my 2nd time coming to FaithFest 🙌 This was my 3rd time coming to FaithFest 😀 This was my 4th time coming to FaithFest 😮 This was my 5th time coming to FaithFest 🤩 3. What did you like about FaithFest 2022 and the partners area?4. How can we improve FaithFest and the partners area?5. How were the food, snacks and drinks in the partners area? Excellent Good Ok Not great Terrible 6. What kind of food, snacks, or drinks would you like to see in the partners area?7. How friendly was the staff at FaithFest 2022? Extremely friendly Very friendly Somewhat friendly Not so friendly Not at all friendly 8. Was there any information that would have been helpful to know before the event that you weren't aware of?9. Did you stay overnight while in town? If so, where? Did not stay overnight Hampton Inn Holiday Inn Express Days Inn Airbnb / Vrbo Camped (tent or RV) Stayed with a friend 9b. How many nights? 1 night 2 nights 3+ nights 10. Did you buy merch at FaithFest? (t-shirts, hat, etc) Yes No 11. What new merch would you like to see in 2023?12. Who would you like to see perform at FaithFest in the coming years?13. What would you like to see at the new venue?CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.